Thursday, August 28, 2014

Artist Critique

How do your eyes travel through the frame?

  • When I look at this picture, my eyes at first look to the lighter part of the palm, and then travel over to the area where the fingers are grasping the palm.

What/where/who is your subject?

  • The subject of this photo is the hand of an ape. It is a close up picture and the ultimate focus is on that and only on that. 

Do you know what you want to express, and is this message clear?

  • This is expressing the detail and complexity of the ape, as it provides an extremely clear and detailed view of the wrinkles on the palm of the hand and the hairs on the fingers. You are also able to see the hair coming from the top of the hand, as it is longer and wraps around the side. 

Would the photo look better through a different focal length (change in distance from subject)?

  • I think the focal length of this photo is almost perfect, for if the picture were zoomed in a bit, the viewers would be missing some of the detail on the fingers and the edges of the hand. If it were taken closer, the viewers would only get to see the palm, and the photo would be less interesting overall. 

Do you like this photo?

  • I chose this photo to critique because I really like it. I like it because usually my favorite photos are those taken close up, and focus on one particular subject. This photo is not busy, but it is not too simple either. The composure of this photo was really well done, as there is a specific focal point and the lighting is also pretty well exposed over the entire photo. I really think it's interesting how the photographer got the ape to remain still long enough to take this picture and for it to turn out extremely clear, not blurry at all. I love how you can see every bit of detail in the palm, fingers, and all over the subject. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fundamental Elements of Design

Space- An empty and blank area that is undefined by barriers.

Texture- How a certain substance or object feels when touched. Texture can also be seen, for example you can tell if something is fuzzy or slimy.

Color- The property of an object that causes the reflection of light to effect the eye's sensations. Different sensations are created by the wavelengths of the light ray that is reflected.

Value- The measure of how light or dark a color is on a spectrum.

Shape- The external appearance and outline of an object that defines its limits in space.

Form- The specific shape of an object that gives it individuality and character.

Line- Defined by two points, it is a long and narrow mark, showing the edge that can create different two dimensional figures.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

5 Things That Inspire Me

1. Colorado / Nature

This inspires me because every summer I go out to Colorado and have the best time. All of the scenery is beautiful, including Aspen Mountain and Maroon Bells. I have a lot of friends there that I only get to see them for a few months out of the year, and they make sure that I have a great time while I'm up there. The beauty and everything about Colorado inspires me to do my best during the school year because I know the faster I get through it the faster I can go back. It also makes me very happy.

2.  Dreams

Dreaming is very inspiring for me, especially about the future. Knowing that I could be anything I want to, and do anything I want to. One of my personal goals is to go to Duke University for college. Anytime I want to skip school or a homework assignment, I remind myself that one day I won't have to deal with any of it anymore and that if I really try it will be one step closer to going to Duke.

3. Faith- "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong UNITED

Faith inspires me to be a better person, to forgive, and to be thankful. The most inspiring mass I have ever gone to is at Duke University Chapel. It was about Genesis and how God creating the world. The sermon was really moving and motivating. It inspired me to become a better Christian and to be a better person all around.

4. Friends

My friends never fail to inspire me. It's pretty hard to explain, but when my friends make me laugh, they inspire me to make other people laugh as well. The most important trait in a friend for me is humor. When my friends make me laugh, I become happy. Happiness is inspiring in so many ways, because you can do so much with it.

5. Charity

Volunteering with disabled children inspires me because I get the opportunity to see first hand how challenged some people are. Even though the might be happy, they will never get to experience any of the freedoms and responsibilities in life. It inspires me to be a better person and never take anything for granted.